How does Addressfinder compare with other tools like Google Locations?
It's hard to compare our product with the range of address related products that Google provides as we consider them to be quite different.
The similarities however is that we both provide address information and both make use of a autocomplete style of suggesting and returning addresses.
The differences come down to the reliability of the addresses data. Our address data comes from reputable sources and can be relied on for being up-to-date, accurate and real. Google get their address data from a variety of sources.
The difficulty they face is keeping the data up to date and in order to overcome this problem they do two things that affect the reliability of their data. The first is performing 'address interpolation' in which they will allow an address to be made up if there are nearby addresses which support the possibility that this new address may exist. The second is allowing general users to enter new addresses.
At the end of the day Google provides some excellent products which work very well for putting pins on maps and providing directions. What it does not do well is provide you with an address that you can trust.